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It has been more than a year since the World Health Organization declared an end to the COVID-19 public health emergency. 但是,尽管这种病毒不再是一场危机, 专家表示,只有人们接种疫苗,疫情才能得到控制.

人口免疫使我们摆脱了大流行. Manisha帕特尔, chief medical officer for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 国家中心 for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. “现在的目标是确保我们保持免疫力,因为它确实会减弱. 我们通过接种疫苗来保持它. 这是保持我们国家健康的最安全的方法."

疾病预防控制中心 最近宣布 新的COVID-19疫苗将于今年晚些时候上市. 的 agency recommends everyone – with the exception of babies under 6 months old – get vaccinated to protect against serious illness this fall and winter. 的 recommendation applies to people who have previously been vaccinated as well as to those who have never had a COVID-19 vaccine.

的人 最近感染了COVID-19 疾控中心说,可以等三个月再接种疫苗吗. 然而, 有些人可能会考虑提前接种疫苗, 包括那些有严重COVID-19风险的人.

“由于2024-2025年的COVID疫苗要到初秋才能上市, 对于现在需要保护的人来说,接种2023-2024年的疫苗仍然是可以的,帕特尔说.

疾病预防控制中心 also updated its vaccine recommendations for the flu and respiratory syncytial virus, RSV, 因为它为通常在秋季开始的呼吸道感染的传播做准备.

"的se are some of the most commonly circulating viruses and they start to peak in the fall and winter season,帕特尔说. “我们安排疫苗投放的欧洲杯压球,以确保人们得到最佳的保护."

在美国.S., 81%的成年人至少接种过一剂COVID-19疫苗, 但只有21%的人接种了2023-24年更新的疫苗, 根据CDC的数据. 只有9%的人表示他们肯定会接种2023-24年的疫苗, 43%的人说他们可能或绝对不会.

That could leave many people unprotected against currently circulating strains of the virus, said Dr. 鸿富井, a research scientist at the Kaiser Permanente Department of Research and Evaluation and a professor at the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. 加州帕萨迪纳的泰森医学院.

“我们的保护会随着欧洲杯压球的推移而消失,他说, 他补充说,需要定期接种疫苗来保持这种保护.

比如流感疫苗, COVID-19 vaccines will offer protection against currently circulating variants during the fall and winter, 帕特尔说. “它们应该在整个季节都能保护你."

的 main goal of vaccination – for any virus – is not to completely prevent infection but to reduce disease severity if an infection occurs, 曾说. “我们的目标是防止严重的后果, 尤其是对老年人, 免疫功能低下的人和婴儿."

Studies show those protections peak in the early weeks following flu and COVID-19 vaccination and then slowly wane, 但在5个月或更长欧洲杯压球内有效.

帕特尔说,疫苗可以“将疾病从严重程度降低到轻微程度”. 它们是否能防止患者出现症状取决于许多因素, 包括年龄以及患者是否有任何潜在疾病.

COVID vaccination clearly makes a difference in disease severity and the risk of being hospitalized, 即使是年轻人. CDC数据显示 that 78% of adults under 50 who were hospitalized because of COVID-19 from October 2023 to March 2024 had not received a bivalent booster introduced in 2022 or a 2023-24 vaccine. 整体, only 11% of adults hospitalized for COVID-19 had received a 2023-24 vaccine prior to being hospitalized.

有心血管疾病的人, 包括心脏病和中风吗, 是否有特别高的风险. Federal data shows it is the most common underlying condition shared by adults ages 50 and older who end up in the hospital because of COVID-19. 帕特尔说:“保护他们的最好方法是注射COVID-19疫苗。.

Having cardiovascular disease increases the risk of disease severity for all three viruses, 帕特尔说. 50岁及以上患有冠状动脉疾病的人是2.4 times more likely to be hospitalized with RSV than people without coronary artery disease, CDC数据显示. And studies have linked both RSV and the flu to an increased risk for heart attacks and strokes, 尤其是在老年人中.

疾控中心建议 that adults who did not get an RSV vaccine last year get one this year if they are 75 and older or if they are 60 to 74 and at increased risk of severe disease because they either live in a nursing home or have a chronic medical condition, 比如肺病或心脏病.

帕特尔说 it's still unclear how long protection from an RSV vaccine lasts and that the question is being studied. "But at this point, we do not have the data to suggest that revaccination is needed right now."

然而, people should get flu and COVID-19 vaccines annually because these viruses change slightly each year and the vaccines are adjusted to better fight new variants, 帕特尔说. 与COVID-19疫苗一样,疾病预防控制中心建议 流感疫苗接种 6个月及以上的人都可以,很少有例外.

While the 2024-25 COVID-19 vaccine likely won't be available until September or October – and can be given at the same time as the flu vaccine – the RSV vaccine has not changed since last year and may be taken slightly earlier, 八月底, 帕特尔说.

的 best time to get a flu vaccine is September or October, with a few exceptions, the CDC says. Pregnant women in their third trimester are encouraged to get vaccinated in July or August to protect their unborn child from the flu during the first few months of life, 当他们太小而不能接种疫苗时.

Tseng表示,这些疫苗总体上是安全的,并鼓励任何符合条件的人接种. “除非你确定你可能对疫苗中的某种成分过敏, 你没有理由不接受他们,他说.

编者注:这篇文章已于8月10日更正. 9, 2024. An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the World Health Organization had declared an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. 5月5日, 2023, WHO announced the pandemic no longer fit the definition of a "public health emergency of international concern."


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